Exercise & Sports Physiology

Our sports physiology clinic is focused on enhancing sporting and exercise performance, by holistically approaching how to improve a clients physical abilities and preventing injuries.

We focus on the whole picture when addressing ‘old niggling’ issues as well as acute injuries or conditions. This direction will help you to achieve your strongest, most energetic and healthiest state of health possible, through the prescription of programs that continue to be sustainable, motivating and give you the opportunity to be the best version of yourself, period.

Exercise & Sport Physiology

Meet our Exercise Physiologist

Jace Kelly has over a decade of experience in Exercise Physiology and is passionate about looking at the ‘whole picture’ to achieve the best outcomes for his clients.

Jace Kelly

Jace Kelly
BEx&SportSc, GDipEx (Rehab)
Exercise Physiologist

Jace completed a Bachelor of Sport & Exercise Science at James Cook University in Cairns, followed by a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise Rehabilitation at Federation University in Ballarat.

Jace focuses on functionality when managing issues as well as acute injuries or conditions.

This includes working with clients holistically and reviewing their levels of stress, daily nutrition and sleep, while providing advice on achieving balance in busy modern lives.

Why choose Belmont Physiotherapy Centre?

Locally owned

Geelong owned and operated since 2010

Tailored treatments

Personalised treatment plans for all patients

Suite of services

Range of services to suit your needs

Book online

Easy online booking for new and existing patients